ADMISSION FORM Applying for: —Please choose an option—2024202520262027 Program: —Please choose an option—BS : Engineering/TechnologyDS : Data ScienceBBA : Bachelors of Business AdministrationBAMMC : Bachelors of Media Studies and CommunicationMBA : Masters in Business AdministrationMS : Masters in Engineering / TechnologyMC : Master of CommunicationMABA : Masters of Applied Business Analytics Country of Study: —Please choose an option—USACANADAAUSTRALIANEWZEALANDUK Country of Study: —Please choose an option—USANEWZEALAND Country of Study: —Please choose an option—USACANADAAUSTRALIANEWZEALANDUK Country of Study: —Please choose an option—USACANADANEWZEALAND Country of Study: —Please choose an option—UKUSANEWZEALAND Country of Study: —Please choose an option—USANEWZEALAND Country of Study: —Please choose an option—NEWZEALAND Country of Study: —Please choose an option—USA University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Pennsylvania State UniversityRutgers UniversityCalifornia State University, Monterey BayUniversity of South Carolina AikenUniversity of South Carolina BeaufortThe University of Toledo University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of The Fraser ValleyUniversity of Lethbridge University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Monash University University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of WaikatoVictoria University of Wellington University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of GreenwichUniversity of Central LancashireUniversity of Bolton University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of Toledo University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of Waikato University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Pennsylvania State UniversityThe University of ToledoUniversity of South Carolina Aiken University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Royal Roads UniversityThompson River University University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Monash University University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of Canterbury University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of Bolton University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Southern Illinois University University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Thompson River University University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Victoria University of Wellington University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityUniversity of Plymouth University of Preference: —Please choose an option—The University of ToledoNorthern Kentucky University University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of Canterbury University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of South Carolina AikenUniversity of South Carolina Beaufort University of Preference: —Please choose an option—University of Waikato University of Preference: —Please choose an option—Victoria University of Wellington University of Preference: —Please choose an option—The University of Toledo Students Details Your Name (required) Date of Birth (required) Your Email (required) Phone Number (required) Address House No. Building Name Street Area Suburb Pin Code Previous College Name (required) Parents Details Name (required) Email (required) Phone Number (required) Academic DetailsExam Year of passing Board / UniversityStream (Sc/Comm/Arts) Marks /out of Overall percentage STD X 2010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025SSCHSCICSECBSEISEIGCSEIB Diploma (A level)MumbaiMSBTE (For Diploma )OtherNot ApplicableSTD XI 2010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025HSCICSECBSEISEIGCSEIB Diploma (A level)MumbaiMSBTE (For Diploma )OtherScienceCommerceArtsEngg DiplomaSTD XII 2010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025HSCICSECBSEISEIGCSEIB Diploma (A level)MumbaiMSBTE (For Diploma )OtherScienceCommerceArtsEngg DiplomaEngineering Diploma20102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202320242025Not ApplicableMSBTE (For Diploma )OtherNot ApplicableComputersInformation technologyElectronicsElectronics and TelecommunicationOtherBachelor's Degree20102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202320242025Not ApplicableMSBTE (For Diploma )Mumbai UniversityOtherNot ApplicableScienceCommerceArtsBusinessMedia studiesOther Upload Documents(in pdf format) STD X marksheet STD XI marksheet STD XII marksheet Passport (if avaliable) Diploma Marksheets (Semester 1 to 5 in one pdf File) Bachelors degree marksheet (Semester 1 to 5 in one pdf File) Other Documents Whom did you speak to at Vidyalankar ? —Please choose an option—Shweta ApteJanvi BhattadFarida RampurawalaDisha AroraAshutosh ShuklaAditya KadamAvadhut SawantVaishnavi LadOther Mention Name How did you come to know about our program SMSFacebookInstagramFriendVidyalankar Alumni studentStudent ReferenceGoogle searchEducational websites like shiksha etc.WebinarEmailWhatsAppNews PaperPartner - Estero Your Reference Comments Δ